About Lake Washington
A Storm Warning System was installed on Connor's Point on November 1, 2005. Funding for the system was provided by the Lake Washington Improvement Association, and the Connors Point Cooperative Association provided the property for the location of the system.
The system will be tested on the first Wednesday of every month. If a severe storm or tornado is spotted by trained observers, LeSueur County will activate the Lake Washington warning system. We hope that the new system will provide a more safe environment for Lake Washington home owners and fishermen on the lake.
Public Access Information
Primary County: Le Sueur Survey Date: 08/12/2002
Lake Area (acres): 1,487.00
Maximum Depth (ft): 51.00
Dominant Bottom Substrate: sand, gravel, rubble (3-10'')
Maximum Depth of Plant Growth (ft): 10.00
Nearest Town: MADISON LAKE
Inventory Number: 40-0117-00
Littoral Area (acres): 783.00
Water Clarity (ft): 2.20
Abundance of Aquatic Plants: abundant
State access on southwest shore near Squirrel's' Nestpoint
State access on northeast shore of east basin
Lake Washington County Park
Camping on 32 sites starts April 1, 2018. A dump station, shower house and covered picnic area are available. See web site for details www.co.le-sueur.mn.us Call 507-995-1161 for reservations
Minnesota Water Facts
Number of lakes in Minnesota (10+ acres): 11,842
Five largest lakes:
1) Red Lake 288,800 acres2) Mille Lacs Lake 132,510 acres
3) Leech Lake 109,415 acres
4) Winnibigoshish 69,821 acres
5) Lake Vermilion 49,110 acres
Five most popular lake names: Mud Lake, Long Lake, Rice Lake, Bass Lake, Round Lake
Counties with no natural lake: Rock and Olmsted
Natural rivers and streams: 63,000 miles
State and National Wild and Scenic Rivers: 589 miles
Wetlands present in 1850: 18.6 million acres
Wetlands present in 1990: 7.5 million acres
Lake Washington - 1487 acres
One Inch of rain = 40,378,426 gallons of water
One Inch of rain = 168,491 tons of water
Lake Washington Home Sites
The homes on Lake Washington have changed significantly over the years. In the early days, most of the homes were seasonal cabins. There were year around homes on the lake in the 1950's and most of them were on Linder Bay Lane or Washington Boulevard. Today there are approximately 450 residences and most of them are year around homes.
Several new developments are being built or planned adjacent to Lake Washington. Those developments are: Baker's Acres, Eastwood Court, Island View Heights, the Biehn properties on Biehn Drive. Lake Washington is where many people from the Mankato and St. Peter area spend time during the summer and winter even if they do not own a home site on the lake.