Lake Washington Improvement Association (LWIA) Membership

Association membership shall include owners of property abutting Lake Washington or leases of said property. Others may become Association members upon application and acceptance by the Association Board of Directors.

Association members are entitled to vote at the annual meeting if dues are current and if present at time of voting. Association members in good standing shall meet annually in either June, July or August to conduct association business. Notice of said meeting shall be mailed to Association members at least (2) weeks prior to the meeting.

Annual dues shall be set by the board of directors at the annual meeting. The dues shall cover the period from January 1 to December 31.

Association business shall be administered by a board representing seven areas of the lake. The board shall also include one Director at Large who does not live on the lake. Each area shall have two representatives as Board Directors, (herein after called the Board.) Areas will be created such that all sections shall have potentially equal or near equal membership. Those persons interested in running for the At Large board position should attend a board meeting and make their interest know.

Election of Board members will normally occur at the Annual Meeting. One year the Board members from the odd numbered areas will be elected and the following year the Board members from the even numbered areas will be elected.

No fewer that eight (8) Board members shall conduct business at any board meeting. In all votes eight board members shall constitute a quorum.

Meetings of the board shall be held monthly at Le Sueur County Washington County Park Community Room, on the third Tuesday of the month starting at 6 PM. All members are welcome to attend the meetings.

Members who have paid their dues may request a copy, electronic or printed, of the lake directory containing the names and addresses of all lake residents. Directories are printed and/or sent upon request.

Membership Dues

Membership dues are $75 per year.

For more choices access the Membership portal

Lake Washington Association Meetings

Meetings are held at Le Sueur County Washington County Park Community Room at 6 pm on the Third Tuesday of each month and are open to all persons interested in the improvement of Lake Washington. All members are invited to vote on gambling business.